Hướng dẫn cách viết các số la mã đơn giản giúp bé học nhanh và ghi nhớ tốt

Hướng dẫn cách viết các số la mã đơn giản giúp bé học nhanh và ghi nhớ tốt

Instructions on how to write super simple numbers if parents let them know the rules that Nguyễn Tất Thành will share in the following article.

The importance of writing the correct numbers

In practice, the Roman numbers are applied in many fields. Since being created, Roman numbers have become a very popular digit system, used for quantitative records as well as used for counting when doing business, trading or in daily activities in the ancient period. grand.

Currently there are still many areas of using Roman numbers. Specifically:

  • Title the text section

  • Write the number on the clock face

  • Chapter

  • Triangle

  • Write the order number of the leaders, the names of the Kings and the Pope

  • Distinguish the names of the people overlapping

  • Use to record big holidays

  • Century

  • The calendar of the Republic of France from year I to the year of XIV

  • Order of parts of a movie

  • The name of the moon’s natural satellites

  • Show groups of the periodic chemical elements

Thus, writing correctly, reading the correct number of Romans is very important. Children need to read and understand the number to avoid confusion when calculating and doing exercises about the number of Roman numbers more accurately.

Rules (order) Write the correct number of Roman numbers

Unlike natural numbers, when writing Roman numbers, children need to master the following principles:

Rules of the order of the Roman numerals (source: Internet collection)

  • Roman numbers will be made up of 7 basic digits I (1), V (5), x (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), M (1,000)

  • In order, the Roman numerals will calculate from left to right, the value of digits and digits will decrease. Next, about the position of the digits:

    • I just stand in front, x

    • X is just in front of l, c

    • C just stands in front of d, m

Instructions on how to write the right Roman numbers

Before learning how to write detailed numbers, children need to grasp 7 basic digits and special digits with 6 groups. Specifically:

Learn how to write standard numbers (source: Internet collection)

  • 7 basic digits are I (1), v (5), x (10), l (50), c (100), d (500), m (1,000)

  • 6 special digit groups are IV (4), IX (9), XL (40), XC (90), CD (400) and CM (900)

And how to write the correct Roman numbers will be as follows:

  • The digits I, X, C and M will not be repeated more than 3 times on 1 calculation.

  • The numbers V, L, D will only appear only once in calculation

  • The digits have basically repeated from 2 to 3 times to show the value of 2 or 3 times. For example, I is 1, then II is 2, III is 3.

  • When writing Roman numbers, children need to remember the rule to add – Contrary. That is, the digit added to the right will be plus the added numbers to the left is minus. Note:

    • The additional digit will be smaller or by the original digit

    • When writing must not add more than 3 times. For example, X is 10, XI is 11 or IX is 9, absolutely do not write VIIII to show the number 9.

  • When using digits I, V, X, L, C, D, M or groups IV, IX, XL, XC, CD, CM to write Roman numbers, from left to right The digit and number of digits decrease. For example Mmmcccxxiii To be 3333.

  • With large numbers, from the range 4,000 or more, you will use the horizontal brick above the original number to only multiply for 1,000. For example M̅ = 1,000,000 = 1000 x 1000.

Table of Roman numbers and corresponding writing methods

The following will be the table of Roman numbers and the corresponding writing that students can refer to to know how to write the Roman numbers so that the best. Specifically:

1 = I

2 = II

3 = III

4 = IV

5 = v

6 = VI

7 = vii

8 = viii

9 = Ix

10 = x

11 = xi

12 = xii

13 = XIII

14 = XIV

15 = xv

16 = XVI

17 = xvii

18 = xviii

19 = XIX

20 = xx

21 = xxi

22 = xxii

23 = xxiii

24 = xxiv

25 = xxv

26 = xxvi

27 = xxvii

28 = xxviiii

29 = xxix

30 = xxx

31 = xxxi

32 = xxxii

33 = xxxiiii

34 = xxxiviv

35 = xxxv

36 = xxxvi

37 = xxxvii

38 = xxxviiii

39 = xxxix

40 = xl

41 = xli

42 = xlii

43 = xliii

44 = xliv

45 = xlv

46 = xlvi

47 = xlvii

48 = xlviii

49 = xlix

50 = l

51 = Li

52 = lii

53 = liii

54 = LIV

55 = lv

56 = LVI

57 = LVII

58 = LVIII

59 = LIX

60 = lx

61 = LXI

62 = lxii

63 = lxiii

64 = LXIV

65 = lxv

66 = lxvi

67 = lxvii

68 = lxviii

69 = lxix

70 = lxx

71 = lxxi

72 = lxxii

73 = lxxiii

74 = lxxiv

75 = lxxv

76 = lxxvi

77 = lxxvii


79 = lxxix

80 = lxxx

81 = lxxxi

82 = lxxxii

83 = lxxxiii

84 = lxxxiv

85 = lxxxv

86 = lxxxvi

87 = lxxxvii

88 = lxxxviii

89 = lxxxix

90 = xc

91 = xci

92 = xcii

93 = xciiii

94 = xciv

95 = xcv

96 = xcvi

97 = xcvii

98 = xcviii

99 = xcix

100 = c

Some tips to help your baby write the correct Roman numbers

To write the most accurate Roman numbers, the children need to pocket some of the following tips:

Write and read proficiently from Roman numbers from 1 – 20

In order to learn well the Roman numbers, children need to know how to write and read the Roman numbers from 1 to 20. How to write these numbers is very simple. Meanwhile, when writing proficiently these dials, the children can easily memorize the larger Roman numbers.

Write Roman numbers from 1 to 20 proficiency (Image source: Internet collection)

Roman arithmetic combined with practice

Not only with the Roman number but with any subject, the theoretical students also have to go hand in hand with practice to remember. In particular, parents should let their children practice writing multiple numbers.

For example, parents can read different Roman numbers and ask their children to write. Or vice versa, parents can write some Romans and ask the baby to read.

Contact practice

In order to learn the Roman numerals, parents should also let their children contact reality. Because learning Roman through the visual images in everyday life will help your baby remember longer.

For example, parents can ask children to read numbers on the Roman numerical written clock or read the number of chapters, …

Need to do more exercises related to the number of Roman

Another secret for children to write the Roman numerals is that parents should let their children do more exercises related to Roman numbers. When your baby does many exercises, he will remember the numbers longer. From there, you can learn the Roman numerals proficient and do not feel surprised when taking exams related to the Roman numerals.

Let me do many exercises related to the number of Roman (source: Internet collection)

Roman arithmetic basic and special in separate groups

In order for the children not to be confused when writing the Roman numerals, parents should let their children learn the Roman numerals in basic groups and special groups. So you will be more proficient when reading, writing the Roman numbers.

First of all, parents let their children learn the Roman group in the basic group first. Then, when the child is proficient in the basic digits, parents give their children a special group. Because special digits still have to be built on basic numbers.

Make sure the rules of Roman numerals

This is also an experience for children to write Roman numbers effectively that parents should not ignore. Parents need to teach them the rules of writing in detail to remember and apply them properly.

When the children master the writing rule, they will read correctly and write the Roman numbers correctly. From there you can learn the Roman GRADE and do all the exercises related to the Roman numerals.

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Some exercises to write Roman numerals for children to practice

Here are a few exercises on writing Roman numbers parents can choose for their children to practice:

Example: Reading the following Roman numbers:

Roman numerical exercises format 1 (Image source: Internet collection)

Example: See the clock for only hours

Roman numerical exercises form 2 (Image source: Internet collection)

For example:

Roman numerical exercises form 3 (source of images: Internet collection)

For example:

Roman numerical exercises Form 4 (Image source: Internet collection)

For example:

Roman number 5 exercises (source of images: Internet collection)

For example:

Roman numerical exercises format 6 (Image source: Internet collection)

Now parents and children know how to write Roman numbers? Hopefully these sharing will help children learn the most effective Roman numerals and know how to do all the exercises related to the Roman numerals.


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