Giúp bé học toán lớp 2 phép cộng có nhớ trong phạm vi 100 cực dễ dàng

Grade 2 math, addition with memory within 100 is the basic knowledge that children will get acquainted with and learn. But to help children conquer this knowledge effectively, parents need to help them master the related math types and learning secrets that Nguyễn Tất Thành shares below.
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Difficulties when children learn addition with memory within 100
When you understand 2nd grade math, do you remember what addition is? Surely your child will have more difficulties than learning addition without remembering the usual. Especially when:
Bạn đang xem: Giúp bé học toán lớp 2 phép cộng có nhớ trong phạm vi 100 cực dễ dàng
The child does not understand what addition with memory is: Because when the child does not understand the rule of “addition with memory” in calculations, just one wrong number means the whole calculation is wrong.
Children do not clearly understand counting numbers within 100: Many children in 2nd grade still do not know how to count numbers within 100, so when doing homework, it is easy for children to solve problems incorrectly.
Many types of math make it difficult for children: With addition with memory, there are many types of exercises from mental arithmetic, calculating then calculating, finding x, comparing,… so many children have difficulty solving the exercises.
Numbers in the range of 100 are quite large so it is easy to miscalculate: Unlike other subjects, with mathematics, if you confuse just one number, it will cause the calculation to be wrong, so there are quite a lot of numbers in the range of 100, so it is small. It’s hard to avoid doing math wrong.
5 types of 2nd grade math when learning addition, remember the range 100
With grade 2 addition math with memory within 100, students will often be familiar with the following types of exercises:
Type 1: Mental calculation
This is considered basic math, when children calculate addition within 100 horizontally in order from right to left as usual.
For example: 58 + 34 = ?
First, we take 8 + 4 = 12, write 2 and remember 1.
Next, 5 + 3 = 8, remember 1 in the units place to get 9, write 9
Result: 58 + 34 = 92.
Type 2: Calculate then calculate
This is also a type of math exercise for grade 2 to do addition with memory along vertical lines. Students will also do it in order from right to left to find the correct answer.
For example: Set calculation then calculate
We have 5 + 9 = 14, lower 4 and remember 1
Next, 4 + 2 = 6, remember 1 to get 7, write 7.
Type 3: Solving problems with solutions
With this type of exercise, students must read and analyze carefully what data is given and what calculation is required? From there, give the most accurate answer.
For example: A farm has 28 black goats and 14 white goats. How many goats does that farm have in total?
The farm has a total number of goats:
28 + 14 = 42 (Children)
Answer: 42 children.
Form 4: Compare
In the form of comparison exercises, we will give 2 different addition calculations with memory within 100, asking students to calculate and fill in the >,
For example: 34 + 56 … 52 + 19
We have: 34 + 56 = 80
52 + 19 = 71
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In conclusion, 34 + 56 > 52 + 19
Form 5: Find x math grade 2
This is the type of exercise that students in grade 2 or higher grades will learn, get acquainted with, and solve. To solve this exercise, you need to determine what the value of x is to find through performing calculations.
For example: x – 27 = 45
In conclusion, x = 45 + 27 = 72.
The secret to helping your child learn 2nd grade math and remember addition effectively
To help children learn addition knowledge well, below are some methods for teaching children math that everyone can refer to:
Create a mathematical foundation for your child with Nguyễn Tất Thành Math
Teaching children to learn math addition within 100 seems simple, but many children still do it wrong, as well as do not firmly grasp the foundation, leading to the fact that when learning more difficult knowledge, children do not know how to do it.
The reason is partly because parents’ teaching methods are not really appropriate, nor do they create interest for children in the process of learning math. Therefore, to help parents solve this problem, the English math teaching application Nguyễn Tất Thành Math was born. With a variety of active teaching methods combined, it is guaranteed to help children develop their mathematical thinking ability most effectively.
Specifically, Nguyễn Tất Thành Math will provide more than 400 lessons described in vivid and funny images and videos based on 60 math topics of 7 topics from numbers, calculations, measurements, etc. Guaranteed that your child will grasp Maintain knowledge in the highest quality way.
More than simply imparting knowledge, Nguyễn Tất Thành Math also provides more than 10,000 different interactive activities updated every week. Through that, children will practice and interact more to understand the nature of mathematics to solve exercises and apply in practice. This avoids the situation where the child learns by rote, does not remember knowledge, or learns first and forgets later.
Along with that, Nguyễn Tất Thành also provides additional workbooks, Nguyễn Tất Thành Math Workbook, to help children apply the knowledge they have learned to participate in more hands-on activities such as calculating, cutting, pasting, and drawing. ,… To help your child develop math skills, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills effectively.
Not to mention, with Nguyễn Tất Thành Math, children can also learn math completely in English, so that they can both be guided in learning math and practice foreign languages in the most effective and economical way.
Learn more about Nguyễn Tất Thành Math at:
Download Nguyễn Tất Thành Math for Android phones
Download Nguyễn Tất Thành Math for iOS phones
Use calculation support tools
To help children learn addition math more effectively, parents can use math tools or surrounding objects as support tools for their children.
In particular, with addition operations within 100, parents can use calculators, grade 2 math learning kits, or take practical examples such as going to the market, calculating fruits, etc. Such support tools will help your child learn calculus more effectively.
Help your child master the related forms of addition and memorization
As analyzed above, with addition with memory within the range of 100 above, there are about 5 basic types of exercises. Therefore, parents need to let their children try and get used to these types of exercises, combined with regular practice so that the child can understand and apply the solutions in the best way.
Accompany your baby to practice regularly
Instead of just teaching your child to learn math and addition from books and theory, practicing more with your child will increase learning efficiency better.
To practice here, parents can apply many ways such as doing exercises regularly, taking examples related to practice and asking children to solve the exercises, regularly asking children calculation questions,…
Learn math addition with memory through games
This is one of the methods of teaching children math that many experts recommend that schools, teachers and parents should regularly apply. Because for young children, regularly learning from books will limit their thinking ability, creativity and interest.
Therefore, organizing math games such as solving puzzles with prizes, going to the market, playing with toys, using math toys, etc. will increase interest, memory and thinking in learning. Your child’s math is better.
Learn quick calculation tricks for children
To help learn addition math with memory within 100 more effectively, parents can learn quick calculation tricks for their children to apply.
Typically turning all numbers into multiples of 10, for example with calculation 64 + 28.
This is basic mnemonic addition, but if children round them up, the calculation will be easier. From there, we turn 64 into 70 and 28 into 30. Now we take 70 + 30 = 100. To find the original answer, we determine how much we added to that number to round it off and subtract .
Specifically, 70 – 64 = 6, 30 – 28 = 2. Then we add 6 with 2 to get 8. Now we take 100 – 8 = 92. The final result of 64 + 28 = 92.
Although a bit cumbersome, if you use your thinking when learning math, this is a quite effective way of mental calculation. In addition, parents can refer to Soroban or Finger Math thinking algorithms, which are also quite interesting to help children learn math better.
Some 2nd grade math exercises with memorization within 100 for children to practice on their own
Below are some 2nd grade math exercises on addition with memory within 100 for children to practice at home:
Lesson 1: Class 2A has 34 students, class 2B has 29 students. Calculate the total number of students in classes 2A and 2B
Lesson 2: An has 29 candies, mother gives An 5 candies. How many candies does An have now?
Lesson 3: Class 2A has 19 boys and 18 girls. Ask how many students there are in class 2A.
Lesson 4: The first piece of wood is 17dm long, the second piece of wood is 19dm long. If the third piece of wood is equal to the sum of the lengths of the first two pieces of wood, how many centimeters long is the third piece of wood?
Lesson 5: Calculate then calculate
a) 26 + 5
b) 34 + 46
c) 15 + 89
d) 19 + 37
e) 58 + 34
f) 9 + 65
g) 87 + 6
Lesson 6: Mental calculation
a) 26 + 15 = ……..
b) 46 + 47 = ……..
c) 9 + 36 = ……..
d) 86 + 9 = ……..
e) 26 + 54 = ……..
f) 18+ 65 = ……..
g) 29 + 46 = ……..
h) 16 + 24 + 13 = ……..
i) 19 + 13 + 18 = ……..
j) 18 + 42 + 10 = ……..
Lesson 7: Write the appropriate number in the blank:
Lesson 8: Find x, know
a) x + 34 = 54
b) 38 + x = 68
c) 42 + x = 89
d) x + 62 = 96
e) x + 21 = 26 + 15
f) 22 + x = 39 + 36
g) x + 33 = 37 + 38
h) 51+ x = 46 + 35
Lesson 9: Fill in the appropriate number in the blank box:
Lesson 10: Fill in >,
a) 23 + 17 … 32 + 9
b) 54 + 18 … 34 + 36
c) 17 + 37 … 23 + 49
d) 28 + 18 … 19 + 27
e) 27 + 15 … 21 + 18
Some things to note when parents teach their children math addition by remembering the range 100
To improve the effectiveness of teaching children grade 2 math to add and remember within 100, parents need to pay attention to the following issues:
Accompanying your child: This is very important to help your child become more confident in sharing difficulties when learning math with their parents, helping parents understand their children and come up with appropriate learning methods.
Checking schoolwork: Thereby helping parents know their child’s learning ability to come up with appropriate teaching methods and methods, as well as promptly reinforce the knowledge their child is having difficulty with.
Discuss with teachers: So that parents can understand their child’s learning at school, and also work with teachers to come up with a good learning plan for their child.
Do not put pressure on children in the learning process: Forcing children to study a lot, or placing too much emphasis on grades, children are easily pressured, and are even more counterproductive in teaching children to learn.
Allocate time for studying, playing, and sleeping appropriately: Instead of asking children to study too much, parents should divide time for studying, sleeping, and playing reasonably so that the child’s spirit is more comfortable.
Invest in smart learning equipment for children: With the trend of increasingly modern technology, if you only learn from books, your child will be inferior to his friends and will not learn new knowledge. So parents need to invest in modern equipment to support their children’s learning such as computers, smartphones or math applications… which is very necessary.
Knowledge of addition with memory within 100 is an important foundation to help children learn more deeply about mathematics, as well as apply it in life. So parents can absolutely apply the tips that Nguyễn Tất Thành shares to help their children’s learning get better and better.
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