Dạy bé 2 tuổi học vẽ – Cách giúp con phát triển tư duy, nhận thức toàn diện

The world always contains many interesting things that 2 -year -old children always want to explore. But before the influence of the epidemic of Covid-19, the child has to stay home more and cause children to be a lot limited in awareness. Therefore, teaching 2 -year -old children to learn to draw is the perfect solution that parents can help children develop thinking and comprehensive awareness.
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Did the 2 -year -old baby know how to draw?
In the process of nurturing and taking care of a child, you will see them showing their doodles at different times. These strokes show a lot of things and mark an important development in children. So at the stage of 2 years old, can I know how to draw and learn to draw?
Bạn đang xem: Dạy bé 2 tuổi học vẽ – Cách giúp con phát triển tư duy, nhận thức toàn diện
Children’s development characteristics are 2 years old
The development of children at each stage has many differences. The bigger the child will gradually improve both perceptions, skills and emotions. So how do children in the age of 2 have developed characteristics to adapt to learning to draw? Accordingly, 2 -year -old children will develop a general awareness, they will feel curious and want to explore everything around. Specifically, 2 -year -old children will have characteristics of development such as:
The psychological development of children to 2: Children to 2 years of age have a great psychological change. At this age, children always have agility before all things and things around them. Children love to imitate and learn adults. Therefore, the parents’ actions at this time will gradually form a child’s habit, behavior and long -term emotions. Parents can teach drawing for 2 -year -old children by modeling themselves to create curiosity for children.
Children always want to express themselves through many different forms: 2 -year -old children have gradually gained basic awareness about the world around them. Children know they like, do not like anything and will need to show that. Therefore, parents need to encourage and encourage children to perform daily tasks for children to find themselves showing their abilities.
Recognizing the discovery and learning of everything around: 2 -year -old children always have a curiosity about the world. Children always want to explore and know everything around them. Especially children to 2 years old, the brain has completed up to 80%. This shows that the child’s learning will bring the best effect.
Children know how to coordinate skills to create specific products: At this age, children can flexibly apply fingers, apply eyes or brain to create a certain product. This is a good opportunity to teach 2 -year -old children to learn to draw.
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Can 2 -year -old children learn to draw?
Based on the characteristics of the child’s development, it can be seen that at this age, the child can completely perform learning more seriously. Especially learning drawing will help children satisfy their creativity, to be satisfied with curiosity about the world. Especially when Covid-19 epidemic is still complicated, children have not been to school, teaching drawing for children to 2 years old brings countless benefits.
If in the period of 15 months to 23 months, the children only show the drawing of drawing through freelance and doodles. However, when children enter 2-3 years old, children have begun to draw more control. If observing parents can see, instead of non -shaping strokes, children can draw simple drawings such as circle, straight line, curve …
In particular, 2 -year -old children are gradually aware of how to hold the pen to be able to draw such shapes. In addition to this age, children love to imitate adults. So if you learn to draw with parents, 2 -year -old children will surely create meaningful paintings.
Why should parents teach 2 -year -old children to learn to draw?
Early education for children 2 years old is an inevitable trend by bringing a lot of benefits for children. Especially, parents teaching drawing for children 2 years old is a way to educate children early on the world around them, orienting children to have a comprehensive development. In addition, teaching drawing for 2 -year -old children also brings many great benefits such as:
Increase observation
Through drawings, children will observe and express them in language. No matter what your baby says, parents need to encourage it because this is the result of the meticulous observation process of the baby. Children will not suffer any limitations, any framework that will have their own observations. The more you draw, the more your child increases his ability to be too close and get the most right view of the world around him.
Actively understand the world around
Teaching 2 -year -old children to learn to draw is the fact that parents create the environment, the conditions to be able to better understand the new world around them. If you go to school, your child’s awareness about the world will be more diverse. However, when 2 -year -old children leave school at home, teaching drawing is to create conditions to cultivate children with knowledge about the world.
The brain develops comprehensively, practicing memory better
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The child’s brain will be comprehensively developed through drawing lessons. Accordingly, the thoughts and movements of children will stimulate the left brain to work, and the ability to recognize things, the surrounding incident will help the brain to operate. Therefore, learning to draw 2 -year -old children will develop the brain better and have the best intelligence.
In addition, drawing also helps children remember longer. Children will show their memory through drawings. Parents can know what is impressed with the most image and thereby helping children gain more knowledge about life.
The creativity and imagination are strongly developed
The scribbles or the intentional drawings of the child show a certain thing and incident. It is creativity and imagination that will be the result of each drawing. Therefore, learning drawing will help children increase their creativity and imagination to fly high and fly far.
Help children express their desires and hobbies easily
2 -year -old children have been able to express their wishes and interests through gestures and words. More specifically, children can also express themselves through images drawn by their hands. Therefore, parents’ creation of the drawing environment will help children express themselves, express their wishes and interests.
Parents should teach 2 -year -old children to learn to draw?
2 -year -old children studying drawing brings many great benefits. Children will be more improved in terms of awareness, skills and emotions. Therefore, for every hour of drawing lessons are fun and effective, parents can learn and choose the following interesting topics:
Animal themes: Animals are one of the topics of drawing all 2 -year -old children. The animals all appear vividly on the page to help them gain more knowledge about the animals.
Topic of digits: Number is a favorite drawing topic for 2 -year -old children because this content will help children can learn more knowledge.
Flower theme: Flowers are extremely familiar in life. Thanks to the pages of drawing paper, children can identify many different flowers.
The theme of shapes: drawing cubes such as square, circular, triangular, rectangular … will be quite simple for children 2 years old. So parents can choose this topic for children to practice drawing.
In addition to the above topics, parents can choose more different drawing topics for children 2 years old. Normally, 2 -year -old children who begin to learn to draw parents should choose a simple drawing topic and besides guiding children. For 2 -year -old children who are familiar with learning to draw, parents can choose more difficult topics.
How to teach 2 -year -old children to learn super simple drawing for mother to refer
2 -year -old children focus on doing something limited. Therefore, parents need to be around during the process of drawing for children 2 years old. To create the most special artwork with your child, parents can refer to the following instructions:
Prepare full drawing tools: Parents need to prepare all the drawing tools for the baby. Accordingly, parents can buy drawing books or can guide themselves to draw the simplest shapes. In terms of coloring color, parents should prepare a pencil or crayons in wax form for the baby to draw the easiest. As for water crayons, the baby will easily dirty the clothes.
Introducing children on the topic of drawing: The tools are fully prepared, parents need to introduce children to what is the topic of drawing today. Parents can tell a story related to the topic to help children feel more excited and curious as well as inspire learning in children.
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Teach your child to draw in accordance with the process: Depending on what is the topic of drawing, parents should teach children to draw in accordance with the process. The strokes should start from where, drawing from … Parents should teach correctly to create a habit for children.
Integrating more interesting stories during drawing: This will help children feel more focused and less boring. Since then, learning to draw and draw also becomes more interesting.
Do not forget to encourage and encourage children: The drawings of a 2 -year -old baby are still very rudimentary and not standard. However, children will have the perfect skills every day if they get acquainted gradually. So after each work, parents should encourage and encourage children with applause, a small gift. This will help children feel more excited and look forward to the next drawing lessons.
Basically, how to teach drawing for children 2 years old is not difficult. All knowledge at this time is only introduction for children to get aware slowly. Parents should not attach great importance to learning but put pressure on children. At that time, the drawing effect will not be high.
Teaching 2 -year -old children to learn to draw parents to pay attention to?
2 -year -old children studying drawing bring a lot of great benefits. Learning drawing helps children develop comprehensively from awareness, emotions and many other skills. However, to achieve that, parents should note a number of things such as:
Instructing children to have the most standard sitting posture: From the sitting position is one of the important factors but many parents often forget. The sitting posture has a great influence on the child’s later learning attitude. So from the beginning, parents need to guide children to have the best sitting posture.
Instruct children how to hold a standard pen: The pen will be on the right hand of the child. However, there are many children holding a pen on the left hand. Parents need to guide how to hold a standard pen with the use of the middle finger, thumb and index finger to fix the pen. Parents should model for children to easily imitate.
Create an ideal learning environment for children: Parents should prepare a set of tables and chairs, learning corner for children. This will help children be aware of when sitting at the desk will have to have a more serious attitude.
Integrating stories, knowledge about drawing content: The introduction process of drawing content will help children develop comprehensively in terms of thinking, imagination and effective creativity.
Do not forced or scolded children: The forced or scolding will make children feel scared and the next time will not be cooperating to learn to draw.
Currently, teaching 2 -year -old children is gradually being more concerned by parents. Especially when Covid-19 epidemic makes children unable to go to school as usual, creating drawing lessons will help children be equipped with more useful knowledge, comprehensive development in terms of awareness, emotions and many skills.
In addition to drawing, parents should also focus on developing language for children using the Nguyễn Tất Thành Junior – English app for children 0 – 10 years old and Nguyễn Tất Thành Stories helps children good at English before 10 years old. If you are interested in developing emotions, awareness and thinking for your children, parents can refer to the application of Vmonkey and Nguyễn Tất Thành Math. Nguyễn Tất Thành’s learning suite will definitely be your useful companion. The application brings an ideal learning environment to help children develop more comprehensively.
Nguồn: https://truongnguyentatthanh.edu.vn
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