11+ Cách dạy bé 2 tuổi Chậm Nói hiệu quả, giúp tăng cường khả năng ngôn ngữ ngay tại nhà!

There are many ways to teach 2-year-old children who are slow to talk that parents can apply. However, to bring about the best and most obvious results, parents need to assess the level of their child’s speech delay. So what is a 2-year-old child who is slow to talk? How to recognize a 2-year-old child with speech delay? Accurate solutions will help parents find effective ways to teach their 2-year-old slow-talking child.
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What is speech delay? Is it a concern for a 2-year-old child who is slow to speak?
Language is one of the important measures to know how smart a child is. That is why it is extremely important to practice language for children from the first years of life. In fact, by the time children are 2 years old, they can simply communicate with parents, grandparents, friends and teachers. However, there are also many children who are 2 years old but have limited language ability, also known as 2-year-old children who have delayed speech. Understanding the phenomenon of delayed speech in children will help parents have the most effective treatment method.
Bạn đang xem: 11+ Cách dạy bé 2 tuổi Chậm Nói hiệu quả, giúp tăng cường khả năng ngôn ngữ ngay tại nhà!
What is speech delay?
In addition to gestures, 2-year-old babies already know how to express their desires, interests, and thoughts verbally. Each 2-year-old child will have different development rates and different talking milestones. Children will demonstrate their communication abilities right from the first months of life. So what is the phenomenon of delayed speech in children?
Speech delay, also known as language delay, is a phenomenon in which a child’s language develops abnormally. What can be seen most clearly is that children speak more slowly than children of the same age. Children can have speech delays at many different stages. Among them, 2-year-old children with delayed speech are the most common today. The reason is because when parents reach this age, they become aware of their child’s unusual language abilities.
However, in reality, many parents believe that a 2-year-old child who is slow to talk is not dangerous and believes that each child will develop differently. From then on there is no worry and no need for intervention. So is that actually true?
Is a 2-year-old child’s speech delay something to worry about?
Many parents often subjectively think that if a 2-year-old child is slow to talk, he or she will only be able to improve as he grows up. However, in reality, delayed speech is not only a slow development of a child’s language ability, but also has the potential for many other diseases. This is what parents need to worry about if they see that their 2-year-old child’s language ability is much slower than his peers.
If a 2-year-old child’s slow speech is only caused by slow language ability, intervention will be easier and quicker and more effective. But if a 2-year-old child has delayed speech due to reasons such as slow brain development, hearing problems (deaf children, children with ear infections, children with perforated eardrums…), then the problem will arise. much more serious. At that time, you will have to intervene medically to help the child develop normally like his or her peers.
It can be seen that it is not normal for a 2-year-old child to speak slowly. Therefore, in the process of raising and taking care of 2-year-old children, parents need to observe and evaluate the development of the child’s language ability. As soon as parents notice that their 2-year-old child shows signs of slow speech or language ability, they need to intervene immediately to avoid more serious consequences.
Summary of 11+ ways to teach 2-year-old children who are slow to speak that parents should definitely know
When discovering that a 2-year-old child has abnormalities in language ability and in order to have effective methods to teach a 2-year-old child who is slow to speak, parents need to clearly identify the causes and condition of the child. If you can eliminate diseases that affect your child’s speaking ability, parents will be able to train and improve their 2-year-old child’s speaking ability with the following methods:
Parents should spend more time talking with their children
One of the ways to effectively improve language skills for 2-year-old children is for parents to spend a lot of time talking to their children. Many parents do not know that from the first months of life, children’s abilities develop and they respond to their parents’ language. That’s why talking to a 2-year-old baby every day will help the child’s language ability improve significantly.
During the conversation, parents should speak clearly, pronounce correctly and combine body language to bring better results. In the beginning, when the baby is not used to it, parents need to be more patient and do it many times so that the baby gradually gets used to it. If time conditions do not allow, parents can take advantage of all the time they have with their children, such as when eating or bathing the child to chat.
Teach 2-year-old children who are slow to speak effectively by reading a lot of books to them
Books are closely linked to each child’s beautiful childhood. Reading books every day to children also helps improve language skills extremely effectively. 2-year-old children often feel very curious about everything around them. That’s why reading books will stimulate thinking, stimulate imagination and more effectively improve language skills in children.
When reading books to 2-year-old children, parents need to read slowly and explain to the child. In particular, parents should describe the images on the book pages to help children remember longer. Thereby stimulating language abilities in children. A small note is that parents should read slowly and choose age-appropriate books to make learning more effective.
Teach 2 year old children to say simple to complex words
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When teaching a 2-year-old child who is slow to talk, parents should teach the child from the simplest words. Children should be taught two-syllable words and increase the difficulty when the child has previously mastered the word. Parents can eat rice while teaching their children to recognize dishes. This also helps children improve their vocabulary effectively.
Let 2-year-old children come into contact with many people
When 2-year-old children talk a lot and come into contact with many people, their language ability will definitely improve significantly. This is also one of the ways to teach a 2-year-old slow-talking child that many experts and doctors recommend.
Especially parents should let their children interact with their peers. Sending children to school and going out to play will stimulate their ability to talk and talk. At first it’s just naive words, but gradually, 2-year-old children will know how to express their feelings, desires, and interests in precise language.
Help your 2-year-old child treat speech delay with songs
In addition to chatting, parents can sing simple and familiar songs with their babies such as: Baby Shark, little duck, grandma… These songs will not only stimulate language skills but also helps children become more confident and happier. Parents can sing and dance to help their children develop comprehensively. In addition to interactive comics and audiobooks, the Nguyễn Tất Thành Stories app also has many fun English songs for mothers and babies to refer to.
Avoid letting 2-year-old children watch TV, phones, and iPads alone
Stimulating language in children is to let them express their wishes verbally. But letting a 2-year-old child sit for hours in front of the TV, phone, tablet… is a big no-no. In particular, this also makes children’s speech delay even more serious. Therefore, parents should pay attention and limit it as much as possible.
If children use electronic devices, parents need to accompany and interact with their children to help them improve their language effectively. Parents also need to choose appropriate learning programs to help their children learn and speak at the same time. Especially now, the Nguyễn Tất Thành Junior app – English for beginners 0 – 10 years old, has its own lessons to stimulate 2-year-old children to develop their language skills.
Let 2-year-old children do things within their ability
Learning while doing is an extremely effective way to teach a 2-year-old child who is slow to speak. Parents should encourage children to do tasks within their abilities such as: Cleaning up toys, practicing getting and drinking water… Especially when a problem occurs, parents should let the child solve it themselves. decided. Parents can stay by their side to guide their children and describe every detail so that children have an accurate understanding. This will be a perfect environment to stimulate language in 2-year-old children.
Create a talking environment anytime, anywhere
It is not enough for parents to teach their children to speak at home. To bring the best results, parents should create an environment to talk to children anytime, anywhere and in all circumstances. When going out to play, traveling on the street, taking a bath, going to the market, cooking… parents can talk to their children to help them develop communication skills. Parents should choose a topic of conversation that is similar to what they are doing so that children can easily visualize better.
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Use lots of visual images everywhere to stimulate language skills
In the family, parents should choose vivid pictures on many different topics and post them in the house. Some of the most popular themes often chosen are: Animals, trees, flowers, numbers, vehicles, objects…
Vivid visual images will help stimulate children’s curiosity. When parents talk and describe the picture, it will help children absorb faster and have better communication skills. In particular, parents can create a small learning corner for children to create habits and help children gain more inspiration.
Let your baby play intellectual games
Currently, there are many intellectual games that parents can choose for 2-year-old children such as: Learning cards, puzzle toys, number games… This is an effective way to teach 2-year-old slow-talking children. the most obvious results. Children who play and learn will learn faster, making them more excited. Then teaching children to speak will also be easier. Nguyễn Tất Thành’s learning applications all apply the learning method through games, which will definitely help parents a lot when teaching 2-year-old children who are slow to talk.
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Help your baby improve language skills every day
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Aware of the problem, but if parents only improve their children’s language ability day after day, it will not be effective. Therefore, parents need to help children learn to speak every day. Parents’ perseverance will bring many great benefits to children.
There are many effective methods for teaching 2-year-old children who are slow to talk. Above all, parents must always be by their side and support their children anytime, anywhere. When there is a companion, children will have better awareness and from there language skills will improve significantly.
See more: Teaching software for 2-year-old children to comprehensively develop thinking and language
Notes when teaching a 2-year-old child who is slow to talk
Teaching a 2-year-old child who is slow to talk is not an easy and extremely difficult process. However, only with hard work can there be success. Therefore, to help 2-year-old children learn to speak more effectively, parents need to keep in mind the following issues:
Monitor your child’s changes: Parents must always observe any changes in their child’s language ability. This will help parents have the most effective solutions.
Talk gently with your child: If the child does not cooperate, parents should talk gently with the child. But when the child still refuses, you should let him do what he wants. Parents should then integrate lessons to make children feel more interested.
Do not scold or spank: Parents absolutely must not use spanking or scolding children because it will create a psychology that will make the child fearful and make the child even more self-conscious.
Change to help children feel excited: Always change new things to create inspiration and curiosity in children.
Correct pronunciation sets an example for children: Parents should pronounce words correctly to avoid 2-year-old children from lisping or stuttering.
Always be patient: Above all, parents need to have patience and perseverance to bring the best things to their children.
Language abilities in 2-year-old children are not the same. In fact, each baby will have different development. Parents need to get the most accurate assessments to help their children develop well. For children who are slow to speak at age 2, parents need to clearly determine the cause and condition of the child. Through that, there will be the most effective ways to teach a 2-year-old child who is slow to talk.
Nguồn: https://truongnguyentatthanh.edu.vn
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