Hướng dẫn cách học võ Vovinam cơ bản tại nhà cho người mới bắt đầu

Hướng dẫn cách học võ Vovinam cơ bản tại nhà cho người mới bắt đầu

As a martial art originating from Vietnam, as well as being highly applicable in self-defense and professional competition, the demand for learning Vovinam martial arts is increasing. So how can you practice Vovinam martial arts at home effectively? The following day’s content will be analyzed in the most detail.

Should I learn Vovinam martial arts at home?

To answer the question, should I learn Vovinam martial arts by myself or not? People can rely on the following information:

What kind of martial art is Vovinam?

Vovinam is also known as Vietnamese martial arts. This is one of our country’s traditional martial arts, founded by master Nguyen Sang in 1936. This is considered a martial art that combines the quintessence of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese martial arts. , applying the principles of softness, without using weapons, with smooth coordination between kicks, knees and elbows.

At the same time, Vovinam martial art also teaches people how to quickly respond to situations where they counterattack, block attacks, or have opponents with weapons. Currently, this martial art has been organized in nearly 70 countries around the world, as well as internationally recognized as a Vietnamese martial art and is competed at many levels.

What are the benefits of learning Vovinam martial arts?

Many people wonder why learning Vovinam martial arts is for? In fact, this is a martial art that many people practice because it brings many benefits such as:

  • Enhance health, flexibility, and endurance for the body.

  • Increases visual flexibility when seeing counterattacks and attacks from opponents.

  • Enhance concentration ability.

  • Practice discipline in practice and life.

  • Practice patience and withstand pressure in the face of difficulties.

  • Know how to handle sensitive situations.

  • Defend yourself.

  • Reduce stress after hours of study and work.

  • Train your body to be healthy and in shape.

Some restrictions on learning Vovinam martial arts at home

Besides the benefits of learning Vovinam martial arts, practicing at home will also have certain limitations such as:

  • Not receiving dedicated instructions, making it difficult to practice.

  • Mainly practice basic movements, easy to learn but difficult to apply.

  • Can’t grasp where I went wrong to fix it.

  • There are no teammates to practice and compete together.

  • Difficulty being self-aware and persistent in practicing.

In short, learning Vovinam martial arts at home will have many disadvantages compared to learning at a martial arts class or center. Therefore, if you have the time and conditions, you should register to learn Vovinam martial arts at reputable centers and classes to easily learn and practice more effectively.

Learning martial arts at the center will ensure more effectiveness. (photo: Internet collection)

Belt systems in Vovinam martial arts

In Vovinam martial arts, there will be corresponding belt levels as follows:

  • Introductory self-defense: Light blue belt, for students new to martial arts

  • Blue belt: After 6 months of completing the introductory self-defense level, the blue belt will be upgraded to a darker blue color, with 3 yellow stripes.

  • Black belt: 1-year study period, 1-level black belt for instructors. Students under 15 years old will wear a black belt with yellow stripes.

  • Vovinam standard yellow belt: For intermediate students under 12 years old, it will be a yellow belt with blue border at one level.

  • Royal belt level: This belt level will be yellow, brick red with 4 different ranks. In particular, the Royal and First Yellow Belt levels will have 2 years of training, the Second Yellow Belt will be 3 years and the Yellow Belt will be 4 years. The owner of this belt must meet the standards of training time and ability.

  • Standard red belt level: This belt will be red with yellow border. The study period lasts about 5 years. To achieve this belt, you need to pass a martial arts essay.

  • Inner red belt level: Red belt with white stripe has a total of 6 levels, each level will have to undergo at least 6 years of training, as well as complete a martial arts thesis level when promoted.

  • White belt – The highest belt level of Vovinam martial arts: This belt will have 4 colors including black, blue, yellow, red with 11 levels. This is the belt for the master, also known as the master.

Belt system in Vovinam martial arts. (Photo: Internet collection)

Qualities a martial artist needs to have when self-studying Vovinam martial arts

Vovinam is a martial art that not only helps learners improve physically, but also helps train discipline, patience and martial spirit. Therefore, to practice this martial art, agility – mental and physical strength – endurance – dexterity – flexibility are the important qualities needed by a martial arts practitioner.

Instructions on how to learn Vovinam martial arts at home

To be able to learn Vovinam martial arts at home, people need to practice, follow the procedures compiled by martial arts masters, as well as learn movements from basic to advanced. Specifically:

Vovinam martial arts learning process

Basically, a person learning martial arts in general, or Vovinam martial arts in particular, will go through the following basic process:

  • Martial arts learners will learn about what Vovinam is? As well as the basic techniques and movements of Vovinam martial art.

  • Listen to the instructors carefully analyze and demonstrate each detailed technique.

  • Martial artists will practice the corresponding techniques that have been instructed.

  • Check the movements, if they are wrong, they must be corrected.

  • Practice Vovinam technical movements in competition.

When learning Vovinam martial arts, there needs to be a clear process. (Photo: Internet collection)

Suggested 8 basic Vovinam exercises

To independently practice Vovinam martial arts, everyone should start with the following basic exercises to improve their skills.

Exercise 1: Frontal strangulation 1

  • Step 1: Standing position with your body down low, hands clasped in front of your chest.

  • Step 2: Begin to stretch your body straight up, and at the same time hit your hands up high towards the middle of your opponent’s hands.

  • Step 3: Move your hands down from above and perform a strong slashing motion on both sides of your opponent’s neck.

  • Step 4: Use strength in your hands to hold the opponent’s neck forward, and at the same time bring your knees up to attack the abdomen.

Anterior strangulation technique 1. (Photo: Internet collection)

Exercise 2: Frontal strangle 2

  • Step 1: Standing position with legs slanted to the left, right arm raised high and turn the body to the left. At the same time, use force to slash strongly from high and low so that the opponent’s two hands shoot out.

  • Step 2: Proceed to perform a right attack, quickly hitting the elbow directly into the opponent’s face.

Frontal strangulation technique 2. (Photo: Internet collection)

Exercise 3: Strangle after step 1

  • Step 1: Stand with your right foot stepping back as a pivot, as well as to trap your opponent’s left foot.

  • Step 2: At the same time, turn around and raise your right hand high. Perform a quick, strong, decisive slashing attack to the left of the opponent’s two drawn hands.

  • Step 3: Perform the movement of holding the left leg as a pivot and make a decisive slashing blow with the right hand and right leg.

Posterior strangulation technique in Vovinam. (Photo: Internet collection)

Exercise 3: Hug first with both arms

  • Step 1: Stand in a slumped position, and at the same time step forward with your right foot and step back while standing with your left foot. Then, he will use the force of his two arms to launch out to catch and hit the opponent’s sides.

  • Step 2: Continue to strike strongly and decisively with both hands directly on the opponent’s flanks.

  • Step 3: Use both hands to hold the hips to strongly pull the opponent forward. At the same time, perform the same exercise on the right knee and on the abdomen.

The technique of holding your arms before your hands in Vovinam martial arts. (Photo: Internet collection)

Exercise 4: Front hug without arms

  • Step 1: Perform a tight grip on the back of the opponent’s head or hair, then hold the opponent’s head up and use your hand to hit straight on the chin.

  • Step 2: Carry out the movement of tucking your right leg behind your opponent’s right leg, then get into a standing position and then bend your opponent’s head and fall down.

Handless back hug technique. (photo: Internet collection)

Exercise 6: Hug the back with both arms

This exercise will use the right foot to probe the opponent’s right foot. Next, he will kick them hard to the ground, and at the same time use his right hand to slash the opponent’s lower body.

Techniques for hugging behind both arms and self-defense. (Photo: Internet collection)

Exercise 7: Back hug without arms

  • Step 1: Perform a turning movement, then use force to hit your elbow directly into the opponent’s face.

  • Step 2: Turn your body to the left and continue to hit your elbow towards the left side of your opponent’s face.

  • Step 3: Use your right foot to hook your opponent’s right leg up, and at the same time hit your opponent’s face with your elbow to knock him away.

Handless back hug technique. (Photo: Internet collection)

Exercise 8: Grasp the chest front

  • Step 1: Use your right thumb to press on the other person’s chest to loosen their grip. Then use the remaining 4 fingers to hold the opponent’s hand and turn it up.

  • Step 2: Use your left hand to hit your opponent’s elbow and bend it behind your back.

  • Step 3: Quickly use your left hand to press hard, causing the opponent to fall down. Continue to use your left foot to press hard on their body to control them.

Technique of grabbing the front of the shirt in Vovinam. (Photo: Internet collection).

Some injuries while learning Vovinam martial arts

In the process of learning martial arts in general, and Vovinam martial arts in particular, injuries are unavoidable. Such as:

  • Soft tissue injuries: These are injuries when performing excessive movements leading to bruising, swelling, arthritis, torn ligaments, muscle tears… With this type of injury, rest and restriction are often required. Exercise vigorously, apply ice or use muscle pressure to reduce the amount of bleeding and reduce swelling.

  • Joint and bone injuries: This is a common type of injury such as dislocations, sprains, etc. For this injury, first aid is needed by applying ice and bandaging and taking to the nearest hospital for timely treatment. avoid serious complications.

  • Skin injuries: This is a fairly common type of injury, mainly scratches on the outside of the skin. Although not too serious, it causes a burning pain. So when you encounter this injury, you need to wash it with disinfectant water, apply ointment to avoid infection and use gauze to bandage it, then after a few days the wound will recover.

Some notes when learning Vovinam martial arts to limit injuries

To ensure greater safety while studying Vovinam, everyone needs to pay attention to the following issues:

  • Have protective equipment: For beginners, their ability to withstand attacks is not high, so they need to be equipped with protective equipment such as headgear, martial arts gloves, body cushions… to help ensure safety when practicing. .

  • Warm up carefully: Before immediately starting to practice Vovinam martial arts movements, practitioners need to warm up carefully for about 5 – 10 minutes to warm up and stretch muscles to help limit injuries during the training process.

  • Have a reasonable training regimen: You should start practicing Vovinam martial arts with basic movements, and after mastering them, begin advanced studies and participate in competitions to advance your rank.

  • Drink enough water: Like other sports, when practicing martial arts, it is easy to lose strength, so drinking enough water is also very important to avoid fatigue and exhaustion.

  • Periodic health check-ups: In the process of practicing martial arts, it will be difficult to avoid injuries, as well as to prevent complications caused by injuries, regular health check-ups are very important.

Practicing Vovinam martial arts exercises requires perseverance. (Photo: Internet collection)


Above is information shared on how to learn Vovinam martial arts at home. In general, this is quite a difficult martial art, but if you practice persistently, as well as have a high martial spirit, you will find many joys and passions in Vovinam martial arts.


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